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Off The Strip at The LINQ



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版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

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Off The Strip at The LINQ(圖1)-速報App

Download the Off the Strip Bistro at The LINQ Mobile App to enjoy awesome specials not published anywhere else. Specials like loyalty rewards, reserve tables and much more!

Classic bistro and bar comfort food. Craft beers and cocktails. Genuine, personalized service. "Just real food."

A Las Vegas locals’ favorite since 2007, Off The Strip boasts a loyal following thanks to its classic bistro and bar comfort food and genuine, personalized service. The restaurant has two stories, offering indoor and outdoor dining, as well as three bars.

Off The Strip is open 23 hours per day, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Our Story

A longtime local favorite since 2007, Off The Strip boasts a loyal following thanks to its classic bistro and bar, comfort food and genuine, personalized service. The two-story second location at The LINQ offers indoor and outdoor dining, as well as three bars.

Off The Strip at The LINQ(圖2)-速報App

Private Parties

It’s not an easy task to provide an Off The Strip feel to an On The Strip restaurant. But that’s what we do! Our bar and bistro is cozy yet classy and we know how to throw events. Our 2nd level private dining room has it’s own private bar, an elevator to the top and can be expanded or divided in to three private areas depending on your party size and type. Whether you are organizing a wedding reception, business presentation, holiday soiree or corporate party we will personalize your event and provide a dedicated planner to guide you through the process.

The Menu

When we say Just Real Food that’s what we mean. We have a commitment to using only the freshest market ingredients in everything that we offer. At Off The Strip we want to serve you wholesome gourmet food, in sizable portions and at reasonable prices. Our menu is split in to our “Legends” that have been with us since the beginning and have our heart and soul cooked in to them. We also provide a “Fresh and Fit” menu, “Between the Buns” sandwiches and burgers, “Steaks and Chops” and the best Happy Hour on the Strip.

Our App Includes Cool Features Like:

-Reserve a Table

Off The Strip at The LINQ(圖3)-速報App

-App Only Specials

-Tip Calculator

-Full Menu

-Loyalty and Coupon Rewards

-Events and Happy Hour Calendar

-Notifications of App Only Offers

Off The Strip at The LINQ(圖4)-速報App

-And Much More!

Off The Strip at The LINQ(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad